Hayley Douglas
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     Hayley is an associate lawyer at the firm, embarking on a practice focused on insurance defence. Hayley completed an Honours B.A in Criminal Justice and Public Policy at the University of Guelph (2015) and a Bachelor of Laws at the University of Adelaide in Australia (2020) before returning home and earning her Certificate of Qualification from the National Committee on Accreditation of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada (2021).
Upon completion of her articles, Hayley was called to the Ontario Bar in 2022. As a law student, Hayley interned with the Disability Advocate of the Office of the Public Advocate of South Australia, maintained a role as a Peer-Editor for the Academic Journal, Adelaide Law Review, and was invited to conduct research for South Australia’s Law Reform Institution.
Hayley has remained devoted to the charitable sphere in the Hamilton community, having previously volunteered with a number of organizations including Eva Rothwell Centre, Living Rock Ministries, and United Way. Hayley looks forward to continuing to serve the Hamilton region while enjoying the scenic views and culture that the city has to offer.

Contact Hayley at hdouglas@vdvlawyers.com